AMD Athlon™ ProcessorWindows 10 Home Single Language 6414" diagonal, HD (1366 x 768), micro-edge, Br..
Spesifikasi:Printer Epson A3 +, A3, B4, A4, A5, A6, B5Kecepatan cetak hingga 15ipmResolusi cetak hin..
Spesifikasi : - Prosesor : Intel® Core™ i5-10200H (8MB Cache 2.30GHz Up To 4.50GHz) - Graphic : NV..
Kain lap terbuat dari 95% bahan cotton, dengan ukuran 60 x 40 cm..
Keset terbuat dari benang polyester dengan bahan pelapis khusus. Didesain untuk memberikan kemudahan..
Terbuat dari kain serat mikro berukuran 40 cm x 40 cm sangat halus, memiliki dua permukaan dengan te..
Sumbu terbuat dari microfibre, berat sumbu 150 gr, type sumbu cut end, tongkat light steel dilapisi ..
Sumbu terbuat dari 95% cotton, panjang sumbu 40 cm, berat sumbu 275 gr, type sumbu loop end, kepala ..
Sapu tebuat dari lidi kelapa, kepala sapu di anyam menggunakan welingi sehingga lidi tdk mudah ronto..
Pendorong air terbuat dari karet asli yang tahan lama dan kuat. Karet dijepit dengan pelat yg sudah ..
Sapu terbuat dari arenga pinnata fibres, kepala sapu setengah lingkaran yg terbuat dari plastik, kua..
Refill dari window brush, lebih mudah penggantian refill dengan system ulir...
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”
- Mahatma Gandhi
“You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results”
- Mahatma Gandhi
"Strength does not come from winning, your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender… that is strength”
- Mahatma Gandhi
“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning”
- Mahatma Gandhi
“There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever”
- Mahatma Gandhi
“Happiness is not getting what you want and do what you like, it is about loving what you have and being grateful for everything to God whom giving it”
- Anonym
"We have to do the best we are capable of. This is our sacred human responsibility"
- Albert Einstein
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves"
- William Shakespeare
"Great things never came from comfort zones"
- Neil Strauss
"There is no great genius without a mixture of madness"
- Aristotle
"From error to error one discovers the entire truth"
- Sigmund Freud
"A loving heart is the truest wisdom"
- Charles Dickens
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it"
- Steve Jobs
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you"
- JC
"If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want"
- Zig Ziglar
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value"
- Albert Einstein
"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory"
- Friedrich Engels
"You have to be odd to be number one"
- Dr. Seuss
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something"
- Plato
"Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live"
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe